
It's also possible to run the M16C-Flasher from the commandline or a batch file. So it's easy to integrate the M16C-Flasher into any IDE.


Commandline usage:

M16CFlasher COMn baud [/?] [/ERASE] [/Mxx][/SILENT] <file>


Example: M16CFlasher COM1 9600 /ERASE /M80 test.mot

ERASE the uC (M16C80), program test.mot using COM1 at 9600 baud.


Example: M16CFlasher COM1 115200 /ERASE /M62 led.s2

ERASE the uC (M16C62), program led.s2 using COM1 at 115200 baud.


/SILENT: Silent mode: disables messageboxes



Here is the list of returncodes of the M16C-Flasher:


0 - No error

1 - Timeout PC

2 - Timeout uC

3 - ID not verified

4 - File error

5 - ChkSum error in hexfile

6 - Comport error

7 - Can't connect to uc

8 - User ABORT operation

9 - Erase error

10 - Read (uc) error

11 - Prog. error

12 - Blank check error

13...255: unhandled error
